Carta Europea de Turismo Sostenible. Parque Nacional de Garajonay e Isla de La Gomera

Business recomended by the Garajonay National Park:

Companies involved with the Charter of La Gomera, actively collaborate with Garajonay National Park and are committed to promoting sustainable tourism on the island.

Today, there are about 30 businesses working with Garajonay National Park to improve their environmental behavior, its offer and its connection to the park itself and the island of La Gomera, in addition to taking action to support local development and heritage conservation.

  • Sustainable Tourism in La Gomera: is a showcase of La Gomera ecotourism product, and this group of businesses providing friendly tourism on the island.

  •  Tourist information:

Logo-turismo-gomeraLa Gomera Island

(Official tourism website of La Gomera)

logo-parqueGarajonay National Park

(Official Canary Islands National Parks website)

Garajonay National Park

(Official Spain National Parks website)

More info: